Mobile Apps vs Progressive Web Apps: Deciding Your Platform

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Where should businesses invest their time and resources: mobile apps or progressive web apps? Is there a clear winner between the two, or does each have its own strengths and weaknesses? And which platform aligns best with different types of business models?

Companies constantly struggle with the decision of whether to build a mobile app or a progressive web application. According to a Forrester report, users spend 85% of their time on native apps, but also have 50% more engagement on websites secured by HTTPS — a key trait of Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Another consideration is that building and maintaining a mobile app can be more costly than a PWA, as cited by Hackernoon – a cost factor that could deeply impact startups and smaller organizations. Given this conundrum, it’s evident that a proposed solution should be one that weighs the pros and cons of both platforms, taking into account factors like an organization’s budget, target audience, business objectives, and the nature of the product or service being offered.

In this article, you will learn the fundamental differences between native mobile apps and progressive web apps, along with their distinct advantages and potential drawbacks. Industry case studies on major brands that have chosen one or another, a comparative analysis backed by empirical data, and expert opinion on what could work best for your business circumstances will also be part of this explorative journey.

In the concluding highlights, this article will provide you actionable insights on how to make a decision that can drive better customer engagement, effective cost management, and overall business growth, keeping you abreast with this evolving digital landscape.

Mobile Apps vs Progressive Web Apps: Deciding Your Platform

Key Definitions Related to Mobile Apps and Progressive Web Apps

Mobile apps are applications developed for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They are typically downloaded from app stores and offer an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a newer technology, blurring the lines between websites and mobile apps. They are accessed via the web, but, like apps, they can be added to the home screen of a device and can even work offline.

Deciding which platform to use for developing your app relies on various factors such as the target audience, the intended features, and the resources at your disposal.

Progressive Web Apps Punching Above Its Weight – A Rugged Rival to Mobile Apps

Advantages and Limitations of Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are mainly designed to work on specific platforms or devices. They are exceptionally popular due to their functionality and user-friendly designs. In terms of design, mobile applications provide the best user experience as they are designed specifically for a particular operating system. They run smoothly and faster as they use device’s processing speed. User can use app features without internet connectivity and it’s the main reasons, Mobile apps have gained immense popularity.

However, Mobile apps come with certain limitations as well. The cost of developing and maintaining a mobile application can be high as separate applications need to be developed for different platforms such as iOS and Android. These are cost factors in updating, maintaining and ensuring the mobile app remains compatible with different devices.

Why Progressive Web Apps are being Preferred?

On the other hand, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices. PWAs are designed, developed, and maintained as a single application for all platforms, significantly reducing costs. It’s very easy to distribute and share PWAs: they are accessible via URLs and quick loading even on flaky connections.

Despite these conveniences, PWAs may not be able to fully leverage the potential of device specific features as they are not developed for specific mobile platforms. However, with contemporary technological advancements, PWAs are increasingly gaining the capability to access specific functionalities of mobile devices.

  • Mobile Apps: Costs are significantly high due to the need of separate development processes for different platforms.
  • PWAs: Significantly cost-effective due to the singular development process for all platforms.
  • PWAs are becoming more capable of accessing device specific features, which were once a limitation.

Your business decision between the two will ultimately rely on the business requirements, budget, target audience, and future-plans. As a business owner, you need to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms before making your final decision. Regardless of the choice you make, it is important to note that both options provide unique approaches in unchaining your business potential.

Making Heads or Tails – Demystifying the Puzzle between Progressive Web Apps and Mobile Apps

The Questions Worth Asking

How do we decide which platform is best suited to our needs? In the digital age, businesses are given a choice between developing Mobile Apps and Progressive Web Apps. The key idea here lies in understanding what these two options involve. A Mobile App is designed to run directly on your smartphone and has to be downloaded and installed, whilst a Progressive Web App, also referred to as PWA, operates through a web browser, negating the need for an installation process. Thus, the decision rests on dissecting various factors such as your target audience, the features you intend to offer, the speed and performance you aim to provide, and the cost and resources at your disposal.

The Crossroads: Mobile Apps vs Web Apps

The primary dilemma that most businesses face is the need to tailor their technology to their audience while also considering resource allocation. Many contend that Mobile Apps provide a more smooth and sophisticated user experience, with options like push notifications, offline usage, and hardware access. For brands with a sophisticated digital presence, mobile apps might be worth the cost and resources. On the other hand, Progressive Web Apps offer a quicker and cheaper solution for businesses. They are fast, reliable, and engaging, providing almost the same experience as native apps. PWAs can be instantly available on all devices, removing the need for multiple versions which typically have to be developed in the case of Mobile apps. As a result, the dilemma further intensifies.

Illuminating Examples of Success

To illustrate the potential of such technologies, let’s consider some success stories from top players in the market. Forbes, for instance, shifted from a mobile app to a PWA to increase user engagement and saw a significant increase of 43% in sessions per user. Their PWA also loads nearly three times faster than their previous mobile site. On the other hand, Instagram, which operates both as a Mobile App and PWA, experiences the benefits of both platforms, thereby reaching a broader audience and improving the user experience. Instagram’s mobile app enables a rich, high-performance user experience with access to the phone’s camera and reposting options. In contrast, the PWA allows users to access the platform on desktop computers, delivering a different type of user experience. Both pathways offer their unique advantages, and the choice ultimately comes down to your business needs and target audience’s preferences.

Winning the Digital Race – Progressive Web Apps or Mobile Apps?

The Clash Between Popular Technology Platforms

When considering the future of digital communication, have we really considered all the implications? A pertinent question arises: Which is better, a mobile app or a progressive web app? The monumental rise in mobile app usage has had us convinced that it could be the sole future of online activity. However, with the invention of progressive web apps, which provide an app-like experience on websites, it’s not so black and white anymore. It’s vying for engagement that has these two platforms on a perpetual seesaw for users’ attention.

Identifying the Field of Contention

What stakes the tension between these two innovation behemoths? Firstly, the restrictive nature of mobile apps has caused a considerable downfall in their user base. Due to device storage limitations, users are more selective about the apps they install and use often. Moreover, building and maintaining a mobile app can be expensive which makes a progressive web app a more economical option, particularly for smaller companies or startups. The lower cost still provides high engagement, as users can interact with web content in an app-like way without having to download anything.

Successful Examples of Technological Adaptation

Top companies have adapted to this shift towards progressive web apps with successful results. Twitter, for instance, developed Twitter Lite as a progressive web app to improve the user experience for those with slower internet connections and limited storage. As a result, they saw a 65% increase in pages per session and a 75% increase in Tweets sent. Similarly, Flipkart, India’s largest e-commerce site, reintroduced their mobile site as a progressive web app called Flipkart Lite. This resulted in a 70% increase in conversions compared to their previous mobile experience. These examples highlight how adaptation to new technology platforms can indeed heighten user engagement and conversion rates. These adaptations not only illustrate the power of progressive web apps but also how the future of digital communication is likely to be a blend of both platforms, playing to their strengths for different user needs and circumstances.


As we draw this discussion to a close, one might ask: In the full spectrum of mobile technology, where exactly does the value of Progressive Web Apps lie in comparison with traditional mobile applications? While both platforms have their pros and cons, the ultimate decision comes down to your specific needs and goals. Mobile apps boast remarkable performance and great user experience while Progressive Web Apps provide impressive versatility and broad accessibility. Both have a place in the current digital landscape, and understanding their distinct advantages is key to making the right choice.

If you’ve found this comprehensive comparison between mobile apps and progressive web apps useful and educative, ensure that you follow our blog. By becoming part of our online community, you’ll receive notifications about the latest blogs and discussions. Your digital journey doesn’t stop here. We have a consistent stream of content geared at enlightening you and keeping you updated on the latest developments in the world of technology. Our blog covers a wide range of topics in the tech world, offering cutting-edge insights and expert perspectives.

However, the spectrum of mobile technology is incredibly vast and ever-evolving. As we wait eagerly for the next wave of innovation, be sure to stay tuned. The future may bring an entirely new platform that redefines our understanding of mobile technology. Indeed, many analysts believe the discussion of Mobile Apps vs Progressive Web Apps might soon be an old story. New tech releases and updates are on the horizon – waiting to redefine limits. Let’s explore these exciting technological developments together. Keep an eye on future blog posts for more insights and analysis on these computing platforms and more.


1. What are the key differences between mobile apps and progressive web apps?
Mobile apps are software applications developed specifically for use on small, wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets. Progressive web apps (PWAs), on the other hand, are web applications that function like a native application on your device, but are actually accessed and experienced via a web browser.

2. Can a progressive web app function offline like a mobile app?
Yes, one of the major benefits of progressive web apps is their ability to function offline or with low-quality networks. PWAs cache content when online, thus allowing some or even all functionality to remain available offline.

3. Are there any significant cost differences between developing a mobile app and a progressive web app?
Typically, the development cost for a mobile app can be higher than a progressive web app, especially if you need to build for multiple platforms like iOS and Android. In contrast, a PWA can be a cost-effective solution as it is essentially a web application that gives a mobile-app-like experience across all platforms.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both platforms in terms of user interface and experience?
Mobile apps typically provide a more fluid user experience, are faster, and can access device functionality easier. PWAs, on the other hand, while providing a unified experience across different platforms, might not offer the same seamless performance and access to device-native features.

5. Which platform should one choose: Mobile App or Progressive Web App?
The choice between a mobile app and a progressive web app depends on your specific needs. If you need to offer a superior user experience and functionality, a mobile app might be a better choice. However, if you want to ensure compatibility across various platforms and want a more cost-effective solution, a PWA might be more suitable.