Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps: Deciding on App Development

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What type of app should you invest in for your business? Will a native app serve your needs better or should you opt for a hybrid one? Do the benefits of one outweigh the other significantly enough to make a definitive choice?

One major concern plaguing the tech industry, specifically the app development field, is choosing the right app building platform. There is an ongoing debate whether to go for native apps or opt for hybrid ones. A study by Forrester Research emphasizes that this issue significantly impacts the end-user experience and thus, the success of the app. Likewise, a Gartner report too points out this dilemma faced by app developers globally. The resolution of this problem could lead to more successful apps, satisfying a larger user base.

In this article, you’ll learn about both types of apps, their pros and cons, and how to decide based on your company’s needs. We’ll cover the technical differences between the two types, compare their performance levels, discuss their development costs, and dig into real-life examples to illustrate these points.

By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with enough knowledge to make an informed decision and choose the app type that serves your business or personal objectives in the best possible way.

Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps: Deciding on App Development

Key Definitions of Native and Hybrid Apps

To understand the distinctions between native and hybrid apps, it is crucial to define these key terms.
Native apps are designed to be ‘native’ to a specific platform like Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, Windows Phone, or Blackberry. A native app is written in the specific language for these platforms like Objective-C or Swift for iOS, Java for Android, etc.

Hybrid apps are a blend, hence ‘hybrid’. They are developed using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, then wrapped in a native application using platforms like Cordova. This allows them to function on any platform or operating system.

Flirting with Functionality: How Native and Hybrid Apps Vary in Development Performance

Characteristics of Native and Hybrid Apps

Distinguishing between native and hybrid applications primarily involves examining their core characteristics. A native app is specifically designed for a certain operating system (OS); either Android or iOS. This implies that separate codes must be written for the application to function on different platforms. Native apps offer higher performance and a more sophisticated user interface (UI) with better user experience (UX). They can access device’s functionalities such as camera, GPS, accelerometer and others more efficiently, ensuring optimal responsiveness and fast load times.

Conversely, hybrid applications are essentially websites packaged into a native wrapper. They are developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and run in WebView. A key advantage of hybrid apps is their cross-platform compatibility, enabling them to function on multiple platforms with one codebase. However, this comes at the cost of performance and the ability to utilize device features efficiently.

Determining the Appropriate Approach

Choosing between the native and hybrid approach largely depends on your specific needs and resources. Here are four main considerations:

  • Budget: Native apps can be more expensive due to the requirement of different codes for each platform. Meanwhile, hybrid apps are relatively cheaper because they utilize one codebase that can run on multiple platforms.
  • Time: If time is an essential factor, hybrid apps can be developed and deployed faster than native apps.
  • Performance: If high performance and sophisticated UI/UX are crucial, a native app would be more appropriate. Nevertheless, recent improvements in hybrid app technologies are progressively shrinking this performance gap.
  • Features: Native apps are more suited if your app heavily relies on device’s features. Nonetheless, for apps that do not require extensive access to device’s features, a hybrid approach is more suitable.

The choice between native and hybrid applications primarily revolves around the objectives, budget, and requirements of the business or individual. While native apps offer superior performance and better access to device functionalities, hybrid apps are cost-effective and feature faster development and deployment times. It is important to carefully evaluate the merits and demerits of each approach before decision-making.

Cross-Platform Conundrum: Assessing the compatibility of Native and Hybrid Apps

Is It Just About Money?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why some businesses opt for native app development while others go for hybrid apps? This might surprise you, but it isn’t always about the cost. The decision is often a careful evaluation of what the company aims to achieve with the app.

Native apps, made specifically for a single mobile app platform like iOS or Android tend to offer a premium user experience. They align with the device’s functionality, thus offering users smooth operability and intuitive interactions. However, these unique advantages come with their drawbacks. The cost of building native apps is usually high, considering they require specific skill sets for each platform. In addition, companies with native apps have to replicate features for each platform, which can lead to higher development time and effort.

The Core Dilemma

The primary concern hinges around the unique pros and cons of both native and hybrid apps. While native apps ensure high performance, seamless user experience, and superior functionality, these come at a price and time commitment that not every business can afford. On the other hand, hybrid apps are cost and time-efficient, needing only a single codebase for multiple platforms. This efficiency, however, compromises some vital elements such as speed and overall user experience. It’s this trade-off between cost-effectiveness and functionality that poses a significant challenge.

Moreover, the choice between native and hybrid apps often depends on the kind of service you’re offering. Where a game developer might favor native app development due to the need for advanced graphical and performance demands, a small business might do just fine with a hybrid app that fulfills their need to be available to their customer base on all platforms.

Leading Industry Practices

Despite the dilemmas, some corporations strike a balance between cost-efficiency and functionality. Instagram is a prime example of this. It’s a hybrid app that performs almost as good as a native app due to its impeccable optimization. Evernote is another hybrid app that works flawlessly across all platforms since it doesn’t have massive computational needs.

In contrast, companies like Uber and Pokemon Go opted for native apps due to their high graphical requirements and the need for seamless real-time functionality. The developers behind Uber and Pokemon Go designed the apps specifically for individual platforms, ensuring the most effective utilization of the device’s resources, and in turn, offering a superior user experience. Therefore, depending on the specific features and services an app should provide, corporations utilize both native and hybrid apps effectively.

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Is Hybrid the Future of App Development?

Are we standing on the threshold of an era where hybrid apps could overtake native apps in popularity and functionality? The answer is a resounding, ‘quite possible’. What makes this verdict more plausible is the advent of progressive web applications (PWAs), which are essentially hybrid apps that can be operated through a web browser or installed on your device, mimicking the features and interface of a native app. PWAs may not completely replicate every native feature; however, developments in web technology are diminishing these gaps, elevating the conversation to a level where speculating hybrids supremacy isn’t far-fetched.

The Hurdle in the Path of Hybrid Dominance

Despite the promising panorama for hybrid apps, there exist substantial obstacles that impede their smooth sail towards dominance. Perhaps the most significant hurdle is performance. Native apps outsmart hybrids when it comes to speed and performance since they leverage the device’s processing power directly. In contrast, hybrid apps often show latency due to an extra layer of web technology they utilize to function on multiple platforms. This performance lag can impact user experience adversely, especially for apps demanding high computational resources or graphics-intensive tasks.

Best Practices in Progressing from Native to Hybrid

Despite these challenges, several app developers navigate successfully from native to hybrid, ensuring an enriched user experience. Applications like Twitter, Pinterest, and Starbucks epitomize this transition. Twitter’s shift from native to a PWA led to a 65% increase in pages per session, 75% increase in tweets sent, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate. Similarly, Pinterest revamped their mobile web presence into a PWA, which resulted in a significant boost in user engagement and ad click-throughs. Starbucks, too, saw a substantial increase in its daily active users post-transformation to a PWA. These businesses accentuate that with the right approach, hybrids can indeed offer a comparable, if not better, experience than their native counterparts. The industry leaders are setting the bar high, laying the groundwork for future advancements in hybrid app technology.


Considering the varying traits and advantages that both native and hybrid apps bring to the table, have we really established the superior option? No. As has been showcased in the discussion above, the choice between native apps and hybrid apps heavily hinges on the specific requirements and budget constraints of the business or developer. Sure, native apps may offer superior performance and a superior user experience, but their development is costlier and time-consuming. On the other hand, hybrid apps may fall short in terms of performance, but they are quicker to develop, with lesser expenditures, and are more easily scalable across different operating systems.

We hope that as you follow this blog, you have caught on to the essence of app development and understand the intricacy behind choosing the type of app development. The world of app development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies coming into play, changing the way things work. As we continue to explore this fascinating world, we hope that you will join us on this journey of discovery.

Just remember, the best way to stay up-to-date and informed about the latest developments is by keeping an eye on our blog. We’re thrilled to have you with us, and we are even more excited about the things that lie ahead. We have a plethora of informative and intriguing pieces in the pipeline, all created to offer you a deeper insight into the world of app development. So, hold onto your seats, as we delve deeper into the fascinating universe that is app development in the posts to come.



What are the core differences between native and hybrid apps?
Native apps are designed and developed for specific platforms, like Android or iOS, using languages that the platform accepts. On the other hand, hybrid apps are created to be compatible with multiple platforms using a single codebase.
Are native apps superior to hybrid apps in terms of performance?
Yes, native apps generally offer better performance because they’re optimized for their specific platform. Hybrid apps, while more versatile, may not deliver as seamless a user experience as a native app due to the need for compatibility with multiple platforms.
Which type of app is quicker to develop – native or hybrid?
Hybrid apps are typically quicker and cheaper to develop since they use a single code base for multiple platforms. However, native apps, while taking longer to create, usually provide a better user experience and have fewer compatibility issues.
Can hybrid apps access the device’s features like native apps?
Yes, hybrid apps can access the device’s hardware just like native apps. However, there might be some limitations or extra steps required due to the cross-platform nature of hybrid apps, which can affect their performance.
Are hybrid apps more suitable for smaller businesses?
Hybrid apps could be an attractive option for smaller businesses because they are more cost-effective and faster to develop. However, if seamless user experience and optimal performance are a top priority, a native app could be worth the investment.